Home Blogs A Curated List of Websites that Feature Art + Illustration – BOOOOOOOM! – CREATE * INSPIRE * COMMUNITY * ART * DESIGN * MUSIC * FILM * PHOTO * PROJECTS

A Curated List of Websites that Feature Art + Illustration – BOOOOOOOM! – CREATE * INSPIRE * COMMUNITY * ART * DESIGN * MUSIC * FILM * PHOTO * PROJECTS

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Choosing the right images

You’d be surprised by the amount of artists who make a lot of good work but have no idea which pieces are their best. This is especially true of emerging artists who haven’t yet settled on their personal “style.” It may seem simple enough to choose a small number of images that are specific to an open call with a set theme. However, some basic questions to ask yourself are: Does this work demonstrate your technical skill? Is it well documented? Does it speak to who you are as an artist? Where does it fit within the aesthetic of the outlet or magazine you’re submitting to?

I would also add a final consideration: Does it have Punctum?

Punctum is a term used by French theorist Roland Barthes to refer to an incidental detail in a photograph that ‘pierces’ or ‘pricks’ the viewer. What exactly it evokes may be deeply personal and hard to explain. But it’s basically like an “X” factor – something that is there within the piece, that you feel on a visceral level, almost like a gut feeling. Once you’ve determined the technicalities are in order, it’s worth considering whether there’s something like that in there as well. Something, however small or seemingly inconsequential, that sparks an interest — hooks you and draws you in.

If you have trouble identifying your strongest work, consider asking for honest feedback from a friend or someone you respect. Do not ask someone who will only tell you everything looks great. These type of exercises may feel uncomfortably but are extremely helpful.


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