Home News My notes/outline on the rise of Scottish economic thought

My notes/outline on the rise of Scottish economic thought

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1650s, wars with England, invasions, Cromwell repels the Scots

1690s – Darien Scheme in Panama, Scots more generally grow interested in empire

1707 – Union with England

Scotland keeps its Presbyterian church and laws

Scotland never settled by Rome, for a long time closer to France

Post Glorious Revolution, many Scots still loyal to the Stuart monarchy, recurring theme

Jacobites – loyal to James, who was expelled by the Glorious Revolution

Glasgow – tobacco and sugar trade

Edinburgh – Intellectual, educational, and administrative center

Overall good educational system at multiple levels

Frances Hutcheson – born in Ireland to Scots family, key works in the 1720s, beauty, approbation, ethics, 1729 starts professorship in Glasgow

1739-40 – David Hume, Treatise on Human Nature

1745 – Major Jacobite uprising

Post-1745: The Highlanders and the clan system starts its true decline

Linen, cotton, wool, jute industries

Good schools, good universities, competitive, English-language, no class system

1748 – David Hume, Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding

1750s – David Hume’s essays on economics

1755 – 1.3 million people in Scotland

1759 – Adam Smith, Theory of Moral Sentiments

1762 – Ossian [James Macpherson], beginnings of Scottish romanticism

1767 — Adam Ferguson – Essay on Civil Society, progress, commercial society, militarism

1776 – David Hume dies

1776 – Wealth of Nations

The sciences: the physician and chemist William Cullen, the agriculturalist James Anderson, chemist and physician Joseph Black, natural historian John Walker, and James Hutton, the first modern geologist.

Late 18th century – onset of Scot inventors/tinkerers, most of all James Watt and the steam engine

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