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Dr Hany Saqr: Leading with Heart and Vision

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In global humanitarian efforts, few stories shine as brightly as that of Dr Hany Saqr, CEO – Of life for Relief and Development. From his early days as a passionate medical student in Egypt to his current role leading one of the most impactful humanitarian organisations, Dr. Saqr’s journey shows his dedication, compassion, and visionary leadership. His life and work illustrate how one person’s determination can make a significant difference on a global scale.

How His Journey Begins

Dr. Hany Saqr had a passion for science and a deep desire to help others since childhood. Growing up in Egypt, he pursued a medical degree, laying a solid foundation in the medical sciences. “I was always fascinated by the human body and the potential to heal,” Dr. Saqr recalls.Medicine felt like the perfect blend of science and service.” His thirst for knowledge and a desire to expand his horizons made him move to the United States to further his education.

At Ohio State University (OSU), he got a Master’s and Ph.D. in medical sciences as a scientist and clinical assistant professor. This period was transformative. “Combining teaching and research allowed me to merge theoretical knowledge with practical application,” Dr. Saqr explains. A relentless pursuit of excellence characterised his work at OSU. These years were not just about academic achievements but about developing a holistic approach to healthcare and leadership.

Stepping into Humanitarian Leadership

Dr. Saqr’s extensive experience with non-profits was crucial to his transition into humanitarian leadership. Over two decades, he founded and served on the boards of over 20 non-profits. This deep understanding of the sector’s complexities was crucial when he joined Life for Relief and Development (LIFE) as a board member in 2015. His strategic vision and hands-on approach soon saw him rise to CEO in 2017, a role in which he has significantly expanded LIFE’s reach and impact.


“Stepping into the CEO role was both a challenge and an opportunity,” Dr. Saqr says. “It was an opportunity to apply everything I had learned and to lead an organisation that truly makes a difference.” Under his leadership, LIFE expanded its reach to 55 countries, overcoming numerous legal and political barriers to deliver aid. “Navigating these challenges requires persistent advocacy and building strong local partnerships,” he explains. “It’s about showing the world that our mission transcends politics and borders.”

Leading with Empathy, Ethics, and Equity

Dr. Saqr’s leadership is firmly rooted in empathy, ethics, and equity. He ensures that aid reaches all in need, regardless of race, religion, or cultural background. “Human suffering knows no boundaries,” he says. “Our aid must reflect that understanding.” Transparency and accountability are the cornerstones of his decision-making. “We have to be transparent with our donors and accountable to the communities we serve,” Dr. Saqr asserts. “It’s about building trust and maintaining integrity.” His unwavering commitment to these principles reassures us of his leadership.

His belief in community empowerment and fostering strategic partnerships has been instrumental in delivering effective and sustainable aid. “Empowering communities means listening to their needs and supporting their strengths,” he says. “It’s not about imposing solutions but about working together for sustainable change.”

Setting LIFE Apart

LIFE’s ability to operate in diverse and challenging environments sets it apart. Its rapid response capabilities, innovative technologies, and strategic partnerships enable timely and effective aid delivery. “Our approach is to be both agile and strategic,” Dr. Saqr explains. “We need to respond quickly to emergencies but also think long-term about development.”

The community-centric approach ensures that initiatives are customized to the specific needs of the people they serve, providing immediate relief and fostering long-term development. “We are committed to providing holistic support,” he says. “From emergency relief to education and healthcare, we aim to address the full spectrum of human needs.”

Comprehensive Humanitarian Services

LIFE offers a wide range of services, including emergency food and medical aid, disaster relief, community development, and educational support. Their efforts in conflict zones like Gaza are particularly noteworthy. Over the past five months, LIFE has distributed over 100,000 meals and loaves of bread. “In areas like Gaza, the need is immense, and the challenges are great, But we are committed to being there and making a difference.”

Their seasonal support during Ramadan, Udhiyah, Thanksgiving, and Christmas highlights their dedication to meeting diverse cultural needs. “It’s about more than just providing aid. It’s about connecting with people on a human level,” Dr. Saqr says. “We recognise the importance of cultural and religious observances and strive to respect and support those traditions.”

Expanding Horizons

The past two years have seen remarkable growth for LIFE, with operations expanding across all 50 states in the U.S. and new offices opening in Yemen, Kenya, Malaysia, and Somalia. Dr. Saqr envisions continued expansion, with plans for Lebanon, the U.K., Bosnia, and Ukraine. “Our vision is to extend our reach and maximise our impact,” he says. “We want to help as many people as possible, wherever they are.”

A commitment to adaptability and innovation drives this expansion. “We have to be flexible and innovative in our approach,” Dr. Saqr explains. Every country and every community has unique needs and challenges. Our job is to understand those needs and respond effectively.”

Current Projects: Triumphs and Challenges

LIFE’s ongoing projects in Gaza are a testament to their commitment to making a significant impact despite immense challenges. Providing daily hot meals and freshly baked bread, LIFE has distributed over 100,000 meals and loaves of bread in the past five months. This tangible impact of their work inspires hope and motivates us to continue supporting their cause.

Clean water access has improved with the restoration of the Khan Yunis water station, and over 5 million litres of clean water have been distributed through solar-powered filtration stations. “Access to clean water is a fundamental human right,” he says. “We are committed to ensuring that right is upheld.”

Medical support includes delivering 18 truckloads of essential supplies to hospitals and distributing hygiene kits to families. LIFE’s efforts to address the shelter crisis involve providing 2,000 winterised tents. “These initiatives showcase our ability to navigate complex environments and deliver essential aid,” Dr. Saqr notes. “It’s about meeting immediate needs while working towards long-term solutions.”

Sources of Inspiration

Dr. Saqr draws inspiration from the resilience of the people he serves and the dedication of his colleagues. “Their commitment to our mission motivates me to push the boundaries of what we can achieve. Seeing their strength and determination inspires me every day.” This dedication of his colleagues is not just inspiring, but also motivates us to contribute to their cause.

Recognitions and Accreditations

Dr. Saqr and LIFE have received numerous accolades for their impactful work.

  • Tycoon Success Magazine honoured him as one of the Top 10 Most Admired Emergency Services Providers of 2022.
  • USAID has recognised LIFE, which was voted one of the Top Ten Humanitarian Organizations in the United States by Impactful Ninja and received a 99% rating by Charity Navigator.

Overcoming Obstacles

Navigating legal and political barriers has been one of the most formidable challenges. Dr. Saqr’s approach is marked by persistent advocacy and building strong local partnerships. “Ensuring transparency and accountability within LIFE is crucial. We must be transparent with our donors and accountable to the communities we serve.”

Rigorous monitoring and regular audits uphold these principles, solidifying LIFE’s reputation as a trustworthy organisation. “These measures enhance our credibility and ensure that resources are used efficiently. It’s about building trust and maintaining integrity.”

Defining Success

For Dr. Saqr, success is defined by tangible improvements in the well-being of individuals and communities. “Seeing lives transformed, communities rebuilt, and futures secured is the ultimate measure of success. It’s about making a real, lasting difference,” he says.

Dr. Saqr’s approach to success is holistic, integrating immediate relief with long-term development goals. “We must provide immediate aid while also focusing on sustainable development. This dual focus ensures that our initiatives provide long-term benefits.”

Advice for Aspiring Leaders

Dr. Saqr advises aspiring leaders to pursue work they are passionate about.

“Leadership is not just about personal achievements but about empowering others and ensuring the positive impact continues. Find what you love and dedicate yourself to it…”

His advice is simple: pursue what you love, strive for excellence, and always aim to uplift and empower those around you.

“Leadership is about making a difference. It’s about leaving a positive legacy.”

Conclusion: Leading with Heart and Vision

Dr. Hany Saqr’s journey from a passionate medical student to the CEO of Life for Relief and Development is a story of dedication, compassion, and visionary leadership. His commitment to empathy, ethics, and equity has guided LIFE to become a leading humanitarian organisation. Through his efforts, Dr. Saqr inspires and leads with a vision of a better, more equitable world for all.

“Success for me is defined by the positive impact we have on the lives of those we serve. It’s about seeing improvements in the well-being of individuals and communities,” Dr. Saqr concludes.

His journey is a beacon of hope and an example of what can be achieved through dedication and compassionate leadership. Dr. Hany Saqr’s story is one of commitment to making the world a better place.

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