Home interview articles Mike Mclain, Pioneer Of The Renowned Limitless Program, Powered By BioFunctional Health

Mike Mclain, Pioneer Of The Renowned Limitless Program, Powered By BioFunctional Health

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Mike McLain- Pioneer Of The Renowned Limitless Program – Powered By BioFunctional Health

Meet Michael McLain, a visionary in healthcare leadership who is setting new benchmarks and pioneering transformative healthcare delivery models to improve health outcomes for people worldwide. For 14 years, Michael McLain dedicated his expertise to serving as a healthcare administrator in the Air Force, ultimately rising to the rank of lieutenant colonel and serving as the deputy COO of the 10th Medical Group at the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA). A proud alumni and former co-captain of the Men’s basketball team at USAFA, he credits his alma mater with instilling the values, education, and experiences that have been pivotal to his success.

Michael’s thirst for knowledge led him to earn advanced degrees from Baylor University, which equipped him with an MHA & MBA. He further sharpened his strategic insight with another master’s degree from Air Command and Staff College. Recognition as a Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives underscored his dedication to excellence in healthcare.

A year ago, Michael embarked on a new chapter, joining BioFunctional Health Solutions (BHS). He leads strategic partnerships and spearheads innovation as the head of the pioneering Limitless direct-to-consumer line. Based on his military background and his relentless passion for healthcare, Michael is on a mission to advance precision medicine globally.

About BioFunctional Health’s Direct-to-Consumer Launch

BioFunctional Health Solutions (BHS) was founded with the mission to revolutionize healthcare by harnessing the best of global science and technology. They aim to directly empower consumers by optimizing both brain and body functions, helping them to achieve their fullest potential—essentially becoming limitless. The inspiration behind starting the Limitless line came from Bradley Cooper’s character in the 2011 film “Limitless,” where a single pill unlocks the full potential of the human mind. While the concept of a single pill exists only in fiction, the aspiration to achieve heightened cognitive and physical performance is real through diagnostic testing, advanced healthcare modalities, and a comprehensive coaching program. The concept of the Limitless line at BHS was sparked by this idea. Still, it was further fueled by personal experiences and meeting Brent and Robin Kruel, who demonstrated the possibilities of achieving a ‘limitless’ state.


Their approach, which holistically addressed Michael’s acute head trauma and general health challenges, propelled him into a state of enhanced cognition and physical well-being and proved to him that becoming ‘limitless’ is attainable with the right program. According to Michael:

“This realization was a turning point, compelling me to transition from the Air Force and dedicate myself to making this possibility a reality for others through BHS’s Limitless program.”

Their initiative stands as a testament to the potential of precision medicine to unlock its greatest capabilities, offering a structured, evidence-based path to achieving what once seemed possible only in cinema.

Deciding to leave the Air Force after 14 years, with just six years away from retirement, was my biggest risk…

This leap was driven by his conviction in the potential of BHS’s precision medicine and the ability to make a tangible difference in people’s lives. It’s a risk that continues to define their journey and fuels their commitment to transforming healthcare globally.

About BioFunctional Products and Services

At BHS, they believe in making healthcare personal. Since 2007, they’ve been leaders in employer health programs, and now, they’re expanding to help even more people. Their MSK optimization program is a great example. It’s changed lives by easing musculoskeletal pain with its special blend of 3D mobility assessments, Functional Optimization Massage, and shockwave treatments. This program has an impressive 78% success rate!

But they’re not stopping there. BHS is thrilled about its upcoming direct-to-consumer line, launching in Q4 2024, offered through exclusive partnerships with local, top-tier gyms. It’s all about you—tailored to your needs, built on everything they’ve learned. This program isn’t just a quick fix; it’s a comprehensive, evidence-based approach to health that addresses the unique biology of each individual. In his interview, Michael explained:

“With the Q4 2024 launch of the direct-to-consumer line, we’re not just introducing new services; we’re ushering in a new era of personalized healthcare.”

So, what makes BHS Special?

Their dedication to your health. They partner with top clinics like Riordan for cancer care and have established a robust TPA with Vault, ensuring that their services are not only innovative but backed by the highest standards of care. Whether you’re with an employer or on your own, their goal is simple:  to provide personalized, precision healthcare solutions that empower people to live their healthiest lives.

A Company Driven by a Clear Vision

“Our strategic vision is bold yet simple: preserve and advance medicine globally. The introduction of our direct-to-consumer Limitless line through the gym affiliate program is more than a milestone; it’s a manifestation of our dedication to this transformation.” – Mike Mclain

By connecting their team to this vision, they’re not just working towards a goal; they’re pioneering a movement towards accessible, personalized healthcare.

Future Goals: Personalized Healthcare Accessible to All

Looking ahead, the company recognizes the pivotal moment facing the healthcare industry. Outdated models, excessive costs, and the demand for more personalized care have brought the healthcare industry to a crossroads. As Michael puts it,

“The Limitless line symbolizes our response to these challenges, paving the way for a future of healthcare that’s both innovative and inclusive.”

In the next three to five years, BHS has ambitious goals. They aim to solidify their position as leaders in personalized healthcare through their employer programs and the Limitless line, while also expanding their reach nationally. Michael emphasizes,

“Our primary goal is to revolutionize how individuals approach their health, shifting away from traditional paradigms towards a model where everyone has access to personalized, precision healthcare solutions.”

A key part of this expansion involves the introduction of regional support hubs. These hubs will not only bolster existing programs but also support the pioneering direct-to-consumer Limitless line. They will serve as centers for innovation, and offer the in-person component for brain and body optimization, and client support, making comprehensive healthcare solutions more accessible than ever before. Michael concludes,

“By staying committed to our goals and constantly innovating, we can help individuals achieve outcomes that they would otherwise find to be impossible.”

Michael’s Take on His Leadership Style, Risks in His Career

The biggest strength of the company lies in the leadership team’s creativity, innovation, competence, and genuine humility, fostering a supportive and trustworthy environment. Traits like empathy and vulnerability play a pivotal role in leadership, fostering a culture of trust and openness where respectful debate is encouraged. Preserving the existing culture within BHS is paramount, with recruitment policies favoring cultural alignment over mere competence.

Client-centric Agility: Michael McLain’s Perspective

“Client-centric agility is crucial to our operations, recognizing that our business success hinges on adapting to client needs and advancements in medicine,” states Michael McLain.

He highlights the importance of guiding clients to realize that their initial wants may not align with their deeper needs. This discernment underlies the selectivity of their Limitless 180x program, which is currently limited to 50 members per year, ensuring clients are genuinely committed to transformative change and supported along the way. Michael emphasizes the fundamental role of establishing trust in this journey; clients are more open to adjusting behaviors when they believe in our commitment to their best interests. Effective customer service and meeting clients where they are is pivotal in empowering them to reach their full potential.

Michael’s Advice to Aspiring Business Leaders

“Embrace the journey towards realizing your fullest potential. The talents, fervor, and determination you possess are gifts from God, meant to be discovered, embraced, and pursued with vigor,” advises Michael. He emphasizes the importance of a profound commitment to his faith in Jesus Christ and focuses every morning on spiritual, physical, mental, and professional growth. This transformation has made him a better spouse, parent, leader, friend, son, athlete, executive, innovator, creator, etc. Michael encourages aspiring leaders to concentrate on what they can influence, accept what they cannot, and never be passive in the face of challenges

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